Monday 27 April 2015

Our Parrot Tree

We seem to have a new tree, one which is blooming prolifically this year.
You won’t find it in the books.
The large flowers are bright red with touches of blue and they bob in the breeze. Actually they move when there’s no wind; the flowers also squawk and when I come near, the flowers drop from the tree (and fly away)...of course I’m talking about my avian visitors - perhaps 20 at a time - crimson parrots feasting on the apple trees close to the house.
What on earth, I hear you ask, am I doing with un-netted apple trees? Well, life gets busy, and our heritage, dwarf apple trees are not as easily managed as we’d expected, or hoped.
But I’d rather look out at a `parrot tree’ than pick bushels and bushels of apples – and anyhow there’s still plenty for us to eat and share.

Jill Weatherhead is horticulturist, writer, garden designer and principal at Jill Weatherhead Garden Design who lives in the Dandenong Ranges east of Melbourne, and works throughout Victoria (

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